GCDkit versions available

Version Release date GCDkit Win Installer R Win Installer Patch Library
(advanced users)
6.2 January 13, 2024 GCDkit_6.2_for_R4.1.3.zip GCDkit_6.2_for_R 4.1.3_offline.zip R 4.1.3 GCDkit_6.2.zip
Legacy versions (download & run instructions)
6.1 July 8, 2022 GCDkit_6.1_for_R4.1.3.zip R 4.1.3 GCDkit_6.1.zip
6.0 Aug. 16, 2019 GCDkit6.0_for_R3.6.0.zip R 3.6.0 GCDkit_6.0.zip
5.0 Mar. 28, 2018 GCDkit5.0_for_R3.4.3.zip R 3.4.3 GCDkit_5.0.zip
4.1 Feb. 10, 2016 GCDkit4.1_for_R3.2.1.exe R 3.2.1 GCDkit_4.1.zip pdf
4.00 Nov. 15, 2015 GCDkit4.00_for_R3.2.1.exe R 3.2.1 GCDkit_4.00.zip pdf
3.00 May 11, 2013 GCDkit3.00_for_R2.13.2.exe R 2.13.2 patch
2.3 May 11, 2008 GCDkit2.3_for_R2.7.0.exe R 2.7.0 pdf

Windows download & run instructions

Internet connection available during installation

Offline installation

Advanced Win users

As an alternative for advanced users, the current version of GCDkit is also available as R library GCDkit_6.2.zip. It is designed for R 4.1.3, further depending on libraries R2HTML, RODBC, XML and sp. The R console should run in SDI mode.

To install GCDkit 6.2 as a library, you have to:

To run GCDkit the next time, you have to repeat the second and the last steps.


To install GCDkit 6.2 as a library, you have to (working Internet connection is required):

To run GCDkit the next time, you have to repeat the second and the last steps. If the menu does not start automatically or needs to be restarted, type menuet() into command propmpt.

If necessary, see also: http://outmodedbonsai.sourceforge.net/InstallingLocalRPackages.html


To install GCDkit 6.2 as a library from the source, you have to (working Internet connection is required):

Obviously, to run GCDkit next time, you have to repeat the last step. In case of problems, refer to the detailed installation instructions.

WARNING! The platform-independent (i.e. non-Windows) version of GCDkit is still highly experimental. Many features are not available and others may work unpredictably. Please use sensibly, at your own risk. For up-to-date information, see also blog.gcdkit.org.
Page last modified January 17, 2024